Just a Note
The event consisted of two live shows with BB Angelo, 3 egg hunts for children over 6 and two for children 5 and under. The eggs had a scripture verse, candy and/or toy and some had prize tickets in them. If a child got a prize ticket he/she would get to go to the prize table and choose a toy. If the ticket said “bike” then they won one of five bicycles.
During the live show BB periodically gave away “lucky seat” prizes and toward the end of the show gave away a scooter. The first show had an attendance of about 114 or more. The second show had around 154- it was standing room only.
BB shared the gospel and gave an invitation in both shows. Because of time constraints he was not able to invite people to come forward in the first show. But in the second show 17 came forward to give their life to Christ. We were able to visit with the group of 17 and each person filled out a welcome card for follow-up. We are following up this week.
You can get info on BB Angelo at www.bbangelo.com. He's worth checking out.
Praise God for a great weekend. He is good . . . He is risen. . .indeed!